Rajesh Gotan

The role of the good employee is nothing but contributing in making the organization successful. Therefore the employee who helps out the organization move forward is considered as a good employee.  

Striving for individual performance is not good enough. Everyone should perform together. That’s how great organizations are built.

In any organization, there are layer of leaders who own up to the OKR (Objectives and Key Result Areas) of the organization. Each leader is the boss of the team under him. Therefore contributing to the success of boss is contribution to the success of the organization.

In order to be a good employee and to win your boss, the following should be followed:   

Align with the Style of Your Boss  

In order to help the boss, you need to align with his style.

Every boss has his unique style of functioning. Therefore fitting into his mould is most important to deliver what he needs. Does he prefer face to face meeting or he expects update over email? Does he prefer updates through presentation or he prefers them in excel sheet? And likewise other aspects of his personal working style. Getting to know manager and his preferences will help you understand the way he needs the things. And you should plan yourself accordingly. When you align to the style of your boss, he will surely appreciate it.

Understand the Objectives of Your Boss

You should not jump and start running with the objectives as per your own understanding. Ask your boss about his goals clearly and understand what is accountable for. For example, he may be responsible for getting five fortune 100 companies as customers, $ 5 million as a sales targets, completion of key projects etc.. This will help you understand in which direction you need to run to help your boss. He will be happy if you help him get fortune 100 customers instead of customers from any segment, help in his project deliveries and help him meet his sales quota numbers. 

Stick to Work Related Matters with Your Boss

Do not be too dependent on your boss for everything. Your majority of the time should be spent with him on work related matters. Do not discuss your personal things with him. And do not ask him things where your colleagues can help you.  If you are struggling to file a travel claim, ask your colleague. His time is more precious than you. He will not like if he finds you wasting his time.

Alert Your Boss Beforehand for Critical Matters

No boss likes surprises that make him getting into firefighting situation. It’s is really one of the most frustrating things for a boss. Never keep him blindsided.  If any such situation is likely to emerge, keep your boss in loop so that he can prepare for it. It could be a large unhappy customer due to the service. Bring this to the notice to your boss to avoid eruption of the issue like a volcano.

Be a Solution Provider

Problems and challenges are a part and parcel of any business. A boss hates the employee who constantly points out the problems. You should proactively analyse the problem first at your end and work out options of various solutions. For example, if the customer is asking for the project delivery, go to the project department first and facilitate it. Do not straight away approach your boss. A solution provider is always appreciated and not a complainer. 


Always Deliver on or Before Timelines

The person who meets of beats expectations always earns respect and credibility. When you deliver before time, you add extra speed to your boss. It also gives time to your boss to review your work and take corrective measures.   Try to avoid the last minute delivery.

Building a rapport of a good employee takes effort, sincerity and time.

But once you meet the criteria of a good employee, the news not only spreads in the organization but in the industry too. And repute is very essential element for growth.