How to Crack an Interview

Finding a suitable job is a mammoth task. It involves continuous search, follow ups and building your resume. One interview call has huge effort behind it. If it’s an opportunity of your choice where you see your career, you would like to make sure that you take all right steps to get the job.

Post pandemic, the organizations have adopted to new ways of working and are making use of digital infrastructure more and more. In this new normal, candidates are shortlisted can be interviewed face to face or over an on-line meeting involving couple of rounds. Irrespective of the mode of interaction, there are some basic tips, if followed, they can increase your chances to crack the interview and land into the job.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
Eleanor Roosevelt

The things to be prepared with and other Tips that can help you increase the chances to get through the interview as are under:

Know Your Prospective Employer

You have crossed the first milestone of getting the job from where the process starts. Your resume and past experience worked and the prospective employer finds is worthy to invest further time in you. Now you need to prepare yourself for the next steps. Knowing about the prospective employer is very important to stand out in the interview and also help you define your fitment. If you do not know about the prospective employer, it can make the interviewer frustrated. One of the most frequently asked questions by an interviewer is “What do you know about our company”? Those who have a little or no knowledge about the company are eliminated in majority of the cases considering is as your non-seriousness and dis-interest in the company. Thus doing a basic research via your industry connects and internet can help you get edge over the other applicants.

Show Your Keenness to Work in the Company

After you have done your basic research work, there will be a lot of questions that will come up in your mind about the prospective employer and the type of role for which they are considering you. Ask those questions. This will help you demonstrate your keenness to work and your preparedness. Be specific about the question. It may be pertaining to job profile, policies of the company or the work culture. Ask about the growth path in the role for which they are considering you. These questions will give assurance to the interviewer that you are looking for a long-term stint in the job.

Wear your confidence with smile to crack an interview

Build Your First Impression

As they say- “First impression is the last impressions and you do not get a second chance to make it”. The impression building starts from the point when you enter the room for a face to face meeting or turn on your on-line camera. Follow the etiquettes which are important to demonstrate your professionalism. Dress right, have eye to eye contact, sit in a right and respectful posture. For on-line interviews, sit in a noise free area with clutter free background. Be ready with your Internet back up to avoid any potential interruption due to connection loss. And most importantly, carry confidence in your body language. 

Emphasize About Your Experience

The interviewer has read your resume. He is now interested to know about your past work. If it’s you are a fresher, he would like to know about your projects and trainings. When he asks about these things, he is actually trying to establish your fitment for the role and the company including the culture. Give details of your past work that include your achievements, attributes, strengths and qualities. Also communicate as to how you find yourself fit for the bob. When the interviewer knows about your intangible aspects, it becomes easy to succeed in the interview.   

Avoid Cryptic and Evasive Responses

Answer everything in detail with confidence. Do not answer with yes or no as they indicate lack of confidence and nervousness. Build the conversational momentum that will get the interviewer interested in you. You should use the platform of the interview to sell you skills, knowledge and attitude. Try to frame your answers in such a way that they draw relevance to the role for which you have appeared in the interview.  

Take Away

Interviews can be stressful and look like a daunting task. Prepare well and do your best as per the above tips. Send a short thank you email for giving you the opportunity to appear for the interview. Be in touch with the hiring manager. Prepare yourself for the next round when you get positive indications. 

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