Cloud Computing – 5 Major Myths

While cloud has become a buzz word and everyone wants to adopt the cloud strategy for the business, but it is still not very well understood. Be it ROI, security concerns, there are misconceptions surrounding the working of cloud computing. There are myths that need to be busted and understand how cloud computing works.
The common myths and answers to the same are as below.

1. Cloud is Cheaper Than the On Premise Infrastructure

In some cases, it is possible to save money by moving to cloud computing. But that is the reasoning for a very small percentage of businesses. As per Gartner 2014 CIO survey, only 14% of the organizations could save money by moving to cloud computing.  The key reasons why organizations move to cloud include ease of use, increased collaboration abilities, proper data and streamlined data retrieval.

“The cloud services companies of all sizes… The cloud is for everyone. The cloud is a democracy”
Marc Benioff

2. There is an Element of Insecurity in Cloud Computing

Security is one of the major concerns of enterprises and they give it the prime importance, rest everything plays a second fiddle. But it is not appropriate to assume that cloud computing is less secure. As a matter of fact, all good cloud companies lay very high emphasis on security. Which is far superior to what the organizations can build on their on premise infrastructure. In today’s world, even banks and financial institutions have adopted cloud computing given the merit it offers against the legacy set up.

“Cloud Computing is the Future-But, with its own Pros and Cons”-Yoshita

3. Could Computing Will Make Data Centres Extinct

No, the data centres are not going to be extinct. As a matter of fact, the organizations need to do the cost benefit analysis and consider other factors like need of collaboration and ease of operation. Cloud computing is more ideal for outsourcing some business processes. For example, the CRM may be moved to could where uptime, ease of use and collaboration is of high importance. The centralized business processes like HR, finance and accounts may be run through existing data centres – there is no point in doing away with the investment on hardware hardware and other effort. Data Centres and Cloud are not mutually exclusive. In majority cases, the complement each other. Therefore the call should be taken on work load basis.

4. Cloud Migration Will Support All Applications Without Hassles

It does not. All the supporting elements of the application need to be moved to cloud which is not at all an easy task. For example, if you use Fintech API’s for KYC from different providers and you have built gate way for it with integration, it’s virtually impossible to bring them under one umbrella of cloud. An interruption in such services can spell disaster for the business.

5. I Will Never Need Cloud, My IT Systems are Just Fine

Wherever there is a need of collaboration, security and ease of use, Cloud Computing is must.  Not moving relevant processes may save money in short term, but the long term productivity or profit loss can be really huge. As a general rule, network services can be can be local or cloud based. However, cloud based system offers collaboration and increased productivity than the local or premise based servers and more secure data storage with the possibility of remote access. Therefore the comprehensive IT strategy should define the intervention of could computing in business processes.

By letting go the misinformation and the myths, the organizations can make optimal use of cloud and leverage it for achieving higher productivity and bottom line.  

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