Amla – God’s Own Fruit – The Bitter, Sour And Sweet

In the Indian continent, Amla is called “Dev Fal” which means God’s Own Fruit. Worldwide it is known as “Indian Gooseberry” with the scientific name of “Phyllanthus Emblica”.

It tastes bitter and sour initially but has a sweet aftertaste – just drink water after taking Amla to turn your water into a sweet drink.

So what makes it so great to be called “God’s Own Fruit” and “Nectar of Life”?

This fruit, having a superfood status, is one of the most used ingredients in “Ayurveda” – the old age Indian medical science and is widely used in Indian Kitchen recipes for making pickles and chutneys due to the stupendous and wide-ranging advantages. Unlike other superfoods, Amla is inexpensive and is available in abundance.

Amla the richest source of vitamin C

Amla contains Vitamin C, Iron, Vitamin A, Calcium, Chromium and different Polyphenols in high quantities making it deserve the status of “Super Food” – It has around TEN TIMES the VITAMIN C in an ORANGE and DOUBLE the antioxidant power of berries and around FIFTEEN TIMES that of a pomegranate.

      • It helps in weight loss – It is due to a protein present in Amla that helps in preventing cravings.

      • It builds healthy skin – It is due to the Vitamin C and antioxidants present in Amla that help in reducing fine lines, wrinkles and building radiant skin.

      • It helps in managing chronic health conditions – The abundance of chromium present in Amla helps in increasing good cholesterol and also helps in stimulating insulin production, thereby making is quite useful for sugar and blood pressure patients.

      • An immunity booster- Amla’s antibacterial and astringent properties for immunity boost.

      • A remedy for common cold – the Vitamic C in Amla is absorbed more easily by the body compared to other Vitamin C supplements.

      • Improves Eyesight – it is due to the presence of Vitamin A in it.

      • It improves hair health – Amla is full of essential fatty acids which go deep into the follicles and slow down greying, removes dandruff, and build strong hair follicles.

      • It’s a Pain reliever – it has great anti-inflammatory properties there for it is helpful in joint aches related to arthritis and painful mouth ulcers.

    Eating it raw or drinking it in juice form is not a very pleasant experience. And also it causes the juice causes diarrhoea in some cases therefore it’s processed to create a palatable form – pickles, candies etc.. However, in such forms, some key benefits of Amla get diluted, and moreover oil and/or sugar come as a part of the processed product which are unhealthy.

    The techniques have evolved to get the extract of Amla that gets you the full benefits.

    The tablets of extracts are have been available for quite some time but they do not get absorbed fully in the body.

    Effervescent is the future of supplements and wellness

    Effervescent is the new form. It can contain as much as 1000 mg of Amla extract in one tablet. They can include other ingredients like zinc as well making the dose far more effective.

    Effervescent  has zero sugar. They come in different flavours with a fizz. You not only get Benefits of the Vitamin C but it is a healthy way to hydrate replacing the calorie-rich cold drink.

    So while you have various ways to consume Amla. But the new-age form of Effervescent provides you with Simple, Smart, and Effective Nutrition.

    Including Amla in your daily routine is far more convenient now.

    So go and make the “Nectar of Life” a part of your daily life and relish the huge benefits to stay healthy.

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